Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Spring Cleaning
Today is the last day of Spring around here, and in the last few days I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning around R&R.
Things don't look any different, I know, but I've been updating most of the pages you see linked along the top of the site. I've updated the Balance and Resto Cheat Sheets for 4.0.3 and I'm working on new Fresh 85 gear lists to replace my Fresh 80 ones.
I've added some of the screenies from my recent Azeroth Photo Tour to the Gallery page, if you'd like to see pretty pictures. For some reason Blogger won't play nice and let me link 1920x1080 images, so I think I've cleaned them all up to 1600x900 now. If you would like a full size version of any of them, email me.
Something else I'm currently working on is an update to my Herbalism Guide. It may take some time, as many zones' herbs have changed and it will take time for the me to do more exploring and for the new data to settle in Wowhead, but it's coming.
I've also updated my enormous blogrolls on the right side of the page. If your blog or one that you admire is not listed, please let me know! I'm always happy to discover new ones.
Please do take some time to look around R&R and tell me what you think. If there's anything you'd like to see, let me know!
Seven sleeps to go!!