Friday, 30 November 2012

InPiPoMo: Finale

This post is part of IntPiPoMo: posting 50 screenshots in 30 days.

And so another IntPiPoMo has come to an end. Thanks so much to everyone who took part this year, and all those who visited, commented or retweeted!

I think some people hit their 50 images way before today (eg Navimie, Godmother, Akabeko!) and others didn't quite make it, but there have been some beautiful contributions from Pandaria, the old world and real photos too, not to mention other games!

I've added some of my pics to my Gallery page. You're welcome to download any you like for your own desktop.

There are some fantastic bloggers and (in-game and out, sometimes) photographers in this list. Please pay them a visit if you can.

I hope you've enjoyed the event, and if you're a NaNoWriMo winner, congrats!
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