Saturday, 6 February 2010

Love is in the Air, so Give a Flower

If you play video games, chances are you are a rational, logical thinker.  Such logical thinking could lead you to the logical conclusion:  "Valentine's Day was invented by Greeting Card companies in order to part me with my money." And you would, for the most part, be correct.

But the Love is in the Air Festival starts on Sunday, and Azerothian cities will be filled with flirting and general naughtiness when people start bringing out their Peddlefeets, [Romantic Picnic Basket] and riding their [Big Love Rocket].  How can anyone help but fall in love with such sights around?

This leads to the question of what to get your beau to show your undying devotion (or your appreciation as a friend, guildy, or GM).  There are many options, but in Azeroth, flowers never die. 

Red Rose - Held in the off-hand, this is a classic declaration of love.

Bouquet of White Roses - Another off-hand item, white roses traditionally represent purity, innocence and youthfulness, which is why they are often used in Bridal Bouquets.  Give to a friend to say you think they're special.

Bouquet of Black Roses - Black roses don't have a traditional meaning because, well, they don't exist outside of Azeroth.  So you're welcome to make up your own reason for giving them.  You can also get a single Black Rose.  They are probably a safe bet for Warlocks and Shadow Priests.

Beautiful Wildflowers and Simple Wildflowers - while slightly cheaper these are still the perfect gift.

Stratholme Lily - An extra special present that can only be bought in the past.  Go into the Culling of Stratholme and visit Sophie Aarens' shop before starting the Culling of Stratholme event.

Darkmoon Flower - Another rare present that can only be purchased from the Darkmoon Faire.  The Faire is in Terrokar Forest right now but it finishes today, February 6!

You can buy flowers at several locations:

Dalaran - Aerith Primrose, Flower Seller, has a stall out the front of the Violet Hold
Old Stratholme - Sophie Aaren, Aaren's Flower Shop before starting the Culling event.

Alliance only-
Stormwind City
- Bernard and Felicia Gump, Florists, near the canal between Trade District and Old Town
Valgarde, Howling Fjord - Innkeeper Hazel Lagras

Horde only-
Icecrown Citadel - Morgan Dayblaze, Blacksmith - only after you defeat Deathbringer Saurfang!
Thunder Bluff - Nida Winterhoof, Herbalist, Middle Rise

Good luck, and enjoy Love is in the Air!

PS. In-game flowers, although they will most likely be very appreciated, are not recommended as a substitute for real flowers.  You have been warned.