He's completely adorable, except that I think he might have worms - he keeps scratching his bum along the ground in a quite off-putting way.
So, what has Elder Leesah learned from grouping with 100 random people?
- There are good tanks, there are great tanks... and then there are tanks who are still learning.
- DON'T PANIC! Panic leads to death. Use Swiftmend, use Wild Growth, use Tranquility. Let the mage die. He'll get over it.
- If a party member makes jokes about women, abuse, racism or whatever, and you are offended, chances are someone else in the group is too. Just vote-kick the joker.
- People will roll need on offspec items then leave the group. Items that are healer items. Grrr.
- If a cloth item drops that you really want, and you are not a clothie, everyone will roll disenchant and it will be de'd before your QQ'ing eyes.
- The DK/Shaman/Hunter/Retpally keeps pulling aggro. Let them die, or spam heal them? That, my friends, is the question.
- Warlocks Lifetap constantly. Every time they do it, it scares the hell out of me. I think they do it on purpose to freak me out.
- People who refer to other party members by their class name really make my blood boil. Go on, call me "druid" ONE MORE TIME.
- People are impatient. I think in 4 out of 5 groups, the tank will go charging off into the first mobs before waiting for buffs or to make sure the healer is ready. Most of the time I am able to catch up. Other times, death.
- I queue for heroics as healer/dps. I have been surprised by how often I get into a group as dps. In fact, I usually get in as dps while I'm in resto spec, and in as a healer when I'm in dps spec. This means I'm often frantically swapping specs and gear and trying to mana up at the start. Refer to point 9 for the logical conclusion.
The only gripe I have about it is that you can't choose just to group with people from your server. I'd like to be able to suss out guilds while doing heroics, but I very rarely get random people from my server. I guess I'd better get stuck into pug raids instead.
What, dear readers, have you learned from the LFD system? Do share your stories!