Hallow's End has arrived! Everyone is busy with battling the Headless Horseman and burning the Wickerman, and of course, collecting candy! But have you collected all the candy you can?
This year,
Tricky Treat have been made currency. You can buy all the Hallow's End paraphernalia from the vendors outside the capital cities, including
three two companion pets:
Sinister Squashling,
Little Wickerman and a
Feline Familiar (incidentally, Sinister Squashlings also drop from candy buckets so don't buy it first!).
Edit: In fact,
Little Wickerman is not a companion pet but a usable object that creates a wickerman that you can cook on. How sad!
Tricky Treats are obtained by doing the festival's quests, but if you're going to do the
Hallowed Be Thy Name meta-achievement then the easiest way to collect the candy is by visiting the candy buckets scattered all over Azeroth.
Last year, I wrote two posts explaining a route for each of
Alliance and
Horde to visit the buckets. This year, not only have some of the locations changed, but I noticed that for the Kalimdor (
Horde /
Alliance) and Eastern Kingdoms (
Horde /
Alliance) achievements, the Horde has way more locations to visit than the Alliance.
*EDIT FOR 2012* The achievements have been updated - Alliance and Horde now have an equal number of buckets to visit for the achievement. Also see below for Pandaria location map.
On closer inspection, I found that
the Alliance have got off lightly with their achievements. Not only are some of the shared buckets such as the one at Karnum's Glade not listed for Alliance, there are also many more buckets that are not part of the achievement - thirteen for Eastern Kingdoms and thirteen for Kalimdor. In fact, almost anywhere where there is an innkeeper, there's a candy bucket next to them.
Rather than creating another route for this year, I thought a series of maps showing both achievement and non-achievement buckets might make collection easier.
Characters over level 60 can just fly between locations but lower-level toons might still like to use my directions from last year to help them get around.
After preparing these maps and flying around to find all the extra buckets, I heard about the list of extra buckets someone has already helpfully put on the comments for the two Alliance achievements on Wowhead. I hope the maps are still useful!
Happy Trick or Treating!
Alliance (roughly north to south)
Darnassus, Craftsmen's Terrace
Teldrassil, Dolanaar
Exodar, Seat of the Naaru
Azuremyst Isle, Azure Watch
Bloodmyst Isle, Blood Watch
Darkshore, Lor'danel
Winterspring, Everlook
Felwood, Talonbranch Glade (62,27)
Felwood, Whisperwind Grove (44,30)
Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Ashenvale, Astranaar
Stonetalon Mountains, Stonetalon Peak
Stonetalon Mountains, Thal'darah Overlook
Stonetalon Mountains, Farwatcher's Glen (31,61)
Stonetalon Mountains, Windshear Hold (59,56)
Stonetalon Mountains, Northwatch Expedition Base Camp
Desolace, Nijel's Point
Desolace, Karnum's Glade (57,50)
Southern Barrens, Honor's Stand (39,11)
Northern Barrens, Ratchet
Northwatch Hold, Southern Barrens (65,47)
Fort Triumph, Southern Barrens (49,68)
Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle
Dustwallow Marsh, Mudsprocket
Feralas, Dreamer's Rest (51,18)
Feralas, Feathermoon Stronghold
Silithus, Cenarion Hold
Un'goro Crater, Marshal's Stand (55,62)
Tanaris, Gadgetzan
Tanaris, Bootlegger Outpost (55,60)
Uldum, Oasis of Vir'sar
Uldum, Ramkahen
Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength
Azshara, Bilgewater Harbour
Winterspring, Everlook
Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Felwood, Whisperwind Grove
Ashenvale, Zoram'gar Outpost
Ashenvale, Hellscream's Watch
Ashenvale, Silverwind Refuge
Ashenvale, Splintertree Post
Durotar, Razor Hill
Northern Barrens, Nozzlepot's Outpost
Northern Barrens, Grol'dom Farm
Northern Barrens, Crossroads
Northern Barrens, Ratchet
Southern Barrens, Hunter's Hill
Stonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat
Stonetalon Mountains, Krom'gar Fortress
Desolace, Karnum's Glade
Desolace, Shadowprey Village
Thunder Bluff, Lower Rise
Mulgore, Bloodhoof Village
Southern Barrens, Desolation Hold
Dustwallow Marsh, Brackenwall Village
Dustwallow Marsh, Mudsprocket
Tanaris, Gadgetzan
Tanaris, Bootlegger Outpost
Un'goro Crater, Marshal's Stand
Uldum, Oasis of Vir'sar
Uldum, Ramkahen
Silithus, Cenarion Hold
Feralas, Camp Mojache
Feralas, Stonemaul Hold
Feralas, Camp Ataya
Eastern Kingdoms
Eastern Plaguelands, Light's Hope Chapel
Western Plaguelands, Chillwind Camp (43,84)
Hinterlands, Aerie Peak
Hinterlands, Stormfeather Outpost (66,44)
Wetlands, Swiftgear Station (25,24)
Wetlands, Greenwarden's Grove (60,42)
Wetlands, Menethil Harbour
Twilight Highlands, Thundermar
Twilight Highlands, Firebeard's Patrol
Twilight Highlands, Victor's Point
Twilight Highlands, Highbank
Loch Modan, Farstrider Lodge (83,63)
Loch Modan, Thelsamar
Ironforge, The Commons
Dun Morogh, Kharanos
Badlands, Fuselight (66,37)
Badlands, Dragon's Breath (21,56)
Searing Gorge, Iron Summit (39,66)
Stormwind, Trade District
Elwynn Forest, Goldshire
Redridge Mountains, Lakeshire
Swamp of Sorrows, The Harborage (29,33)
Swamp of Sorrows, Bogpaddle (72,13)
Duskwood, Darkshire
Westfall, Sentinel Hill
Blasted Lands, Nethergarde Keep (61,14)
Blasted Lands, Surwich (44,88)
(You could go through the Dark Portal and do the Outlands buckets now)
Northern Stranglethorn, Fort Livingston (53,67)
Cape of Stranglethorn, Booty Bay
Vashj'ir (Kelp'thar Forest), Deepmist Grotto
Vashj'ir (Shimmering Expanse), Silver Tide Hollow
Vashj'ir (Shimmering Expanse), Tranquil Wash
Vashj'ir (Abyssal Depths), Darkbeak Cove
Silvermoon City, The Royal Exchange
Silvermoon City, The Bazaar
Eversong Woods, Falconwing Square
Eversong Woods, Fairbreeze Village
Ghostlands, Tranquillien
Eastern Plaguelands, Light's Hope Chapel
Western Plaguelands, Andorhal
Tirisfal Glades, The Bulwark
Tirisfal Glades, Brill
Undercity, Trade Quarter
Silverpine Forest, Forsaken Rear Guard
Silverpine Forest, The Sepulchre
Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill
Hillsbrad Foothills, Eastpoint Tower
Hinterlands, Hiri'watha
Hinterlands, Revantusk Village
Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall
Twilight Highlands, Krazzworks
Twilight Highlands, Bloodgulch
Twilight Highlands, Dragonmaw Port (must be in the correct phase)
Twilight Highlands, Crushblow
Badlands, Fuselight
Badlands, New Kargath
Searing Gorge, Iron Summit
Swamp of Sorrows, Bogpaddle
Swamp of Sorrows, Stonard
Blasted Lands, Dreadmaul Hold
(You could go through the Dark Portal and do the Outlands buckets now)
Northern Stranglethorn, Grom'gol Base Camp
Cape of Stranglethorn, Hardwrench Hideaway
Cape of Stranglethorn, Booty Bay
Vashj'ir (Kelp'thar Forest), Deepmist Grotto
Vashj'ir (Shimmering Expanse), Silver Tide Hollow
Vashj'ir (Shimmering Expanse), Legion's Rest
Vashj'ir (Abyssal Depths), Tenebrous Cavern
Alliance (Starting at the Dark Portal and going around anti-clockwise)
Hellfire Peninsula, Honor Hold
Hellfire Peninsula, Temple of Telhamat
Netherstorm, Area 52
Netherstorm, The Stormspire
Blade's Edge Mountains, Evergrove (Ruuan Weald)
Blade's Edge Mountains, Toshley's Station (just west of Death's Door)
Blade's Edge Mountains, Sylvanaar
Zangarmarsh, Orebor Harborage
Zangarmarsh, Telredor
Zangarmarsh, Cenarion Refuge
Nagrand, Telaar
Shattrath City, Aldor Rise or Scryer's Tier (don't have to have allegiance to either)
Terokkar Forest, Allerian Stronghold
Shadowmoon Valley, Wildhammer Stronghold
Shadowmoon Valley, Altar of Sha'tar or Sanctum of the Stars
Horde (Starting at the Dark Portal and going around anti-clockwise)
Hellfire Peninsula, Thrallmar
Hellfire Peninsula, Falcon Watch
Netherstorm, Area 52
Netherstorm, The Stormspire
Blade's Edge Mountains, Evergrove (Ruuan Weald)
Blade's Edge Mountains, Mok'Nathal Village
Blade's Edge Mountains, Thunderlord Stronghold
Zangarmarsh, Zabra'jin
Zangarmarsh, Cenarion Refuge
Nagrand, Garadar
Shattrath City, Aldor Rise or Scryer's Tier
Terokkar Forest, Stonebreaker Hold
Shadowmoon Valley, Shadowmoon Village
Shadowmoon Valley, Altar of Sha'tar or Sanctum of the Stars
Borean Tundra, Valiance Keep
Borean Tundra, Unu'pe (78,49)
Borean Tundra, Fizzcrank Airstrip
Sholazar Basin, Nesingwary Base Camp
Dragonblight, Stars' Rest
Dragonblight, Moa'ki Harbor
Dragonblight, Wyrmrest Temple
Dragonblight, Winterguard Keep
Dalaran, The Legerdemain Lounge
Dalaran, Silver Enclave
Dalaran, The Underbelly
Storm Peaks, K3
Storm Peaks, Frosthold
Storm Peaks, Bouldercrag's Refuge
Zul'Drak, The Argent Stand
Zul'Drak, Zim'Torga
Grizzly Hills, Westfall Brigade
Grizzly Hills, Amberpine Lodge
Howling Fjord, Fort Wildervar
Howling Fjord, Valgarde
Howling Fjord, Kamagua
Howling Fjord, Westguard Keep
Borean Tundra, Warsong Hold
Borean Tundra, Unu'pe (78,49)
Borean Tundra, Taunka'le Village
Borean Tundra, Bor'gorok Outpost
Sholazar Basin, Nesingwary Base Camp
Dragonblight, Agmar's Hammer
Dragonblight, Moa'ki Harbor
Dragonblight, Wyrmrest Temple
Dragonblight, Venomspite
Dalaran, The Legerdemain Lounge
Dalaran, Sunreaver's Sanctuary
Dalaran, The Underbelly
Storm Peaks, K3
Storm Peaks, Bouldercrag's Refuge
Storm Peaks, Grommarsh Crash Site
Storm Peaks, Camp Tunka'lo
Zul'Drak, The Argent Stand
Zul'Drak, Zim'Torga
Grizzly Hills, Camp Onequah
Grizzly Hills, Conquest Hold
Howling Fjord, Camp Winterhoof
Howling Fjord, Vengeance Landing
Howling Fjord, New Agamand
Howling Fjord, Kamagua
New for 2012: Pandaria
You don't need the Pandaria buckets for the meta achievement, but there's a neat map created by
heyoz and linked on imgur.com (he also linked my original maps there and on
/r/wow... thanks so much for crediting me :). I've listed the locations below. The co-ords were copied from the comments on the
achievement on wowhead.com. If you have the TomTom addon you can copy and paste these waypoints directly into your command line.
/way Vale of Eternal 35 78 Mistfall Village
/way Vale of Eternal 87 64 Shrine of Seven Stars (inside at innkeeper)
/way Townlong Steppes 71 58 Longying Outpost
/way Kun-Lai Summit 54 83 Westwind Rest
/way Kun-Lai Summit 62 29 Zouchin Village
/way Kun-Lai Summit 64 61 The Grummle Bazaar
/way Kun-Lai Summit 57 60 One Keg
/way Kun-Lai Summit 73 92 Binan Village
/way The Veiled Stair 55 72 Tavern in the Mists
/way The Jade Forest 42 23 Tian Monastery
/way The Jade Forest 56 24 Sri-La Village
/way The Jade Forest 46 44 Dawn's Blossom
/way The Jade Forest 55 63 Jade Temple Grounds
/way The Jade Forest 45 84 Paw'don Village
/way The Jade Forest 60 83 Pearlfin Village
/way The Jade Forest 48 35 Greenstone Village
/way Valley of the Four 84 20 Pang's Stead
/way Valley of the Four 20 56 Stoneplow
/way Krasarang Wilds 76 7 Zhu's Watch
/way Krasarang Wilds 51 77 Marista
/way Dread Wastes 56 32 Klaxxi-vess
/way Dread Wastes 55 71 Soggy's Gamble
/way Dread Wastes 55.93 32.27 Klaxxi-vess
/way Dread Wastes 55.21 71.20 Soggy's Gamble
/way Jade Forest 45.77 43.6 Dawn's Blossom
/way Jade Forest 48.09 34.62 Greenstone Village
/way Jade Forest 28 47.4 Grookin Hill
/way Jade Forest 28.45 13.27 Honeydew Village
/way Jade Forest 54.61 63.32 Jade Temple Grounds
/way Jade Forest 55.72 24.4 Sri-La Village
/way Jade Forest 41.68 23.14 Tian Monastery
/way Karasang Wilds 28.25 50.73 Dawnchaser Retreat
/way Karasang Wilds 51.42 77.25 Marista
/way Karasang Wilds 75.93 6.87 Zhu's Watch
/way Karasang Wilds 61.03 25.14 Thunder Cleft
/way Kun-Lai Summit 72.73 92.28 Binan Village
/way Kun-Lai Summit 62.77 80.50 Eastwind Rest
/way Kun-Lai Summit 64.21 61.28 The Grummle Bazaar
/way Kun-Lai Summit 57.45 59.94 One Keg
/way Kun-Lai Summit 62.33 29 Zouchin Village Approximation (Phase Issues, Acknowledged in Blue Post)
/way The Veiled Stair 55.09 72.25 Tavern in the Mists
/way Townlong Steppes 71.13 57.80 Longying Outpost
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 35.15 77.75 Mistfall Village
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 61.98 16.26 Shrine of Two Moons (2nd Floor)
/way Valley of the Four Winds 83.64 20.14 Pang's Stead
/way Valley of the Four Winds 19.87 55.79 Stoneplow (Phase Issues, Acknowledged in Blue Post)