Thursday 21 January 2010

Power Auras Classic: First Attempts

There's so much to keep players occupied in this game that I rarely pay attention to buffs when questing.  I think Melof and Leesah went through most of their earlier leveling without either of us remembering to keep Mark of the Wild on us.

There are several addons that track buffs for various single classes, but I decided on Power Auras Classic because I'd like to use it on several different characters, and from what I've read it seems really customisable, and I like that.

Most people's guides on Power Auras show the huge configuration files that they export from the addon, so I wasn't sure what to expect after installing it.  After you open the config window using "/powa", I was pleasantly surprised that the menu and setup seems quite straight-forward.  I'll show you the basics of what I've learned so far, and get into the tricky stuff when (if) I get there.

This is a beginner's guide to Power Auras. If you're looking for exports, you can find them at:


The first thing I wanted to use PowA for was to remind me to keep Mark of the Wild up.  I opened the first config menu (top image), then clicked New and the Effect Editor opened (lower image).

The top slider bar scrolls through a series of circular auras or symbols you can use for the aura. If you'd prefer to use the actual spell icon instead of one of the symbols, you can tick the "Use own Texture" box at the top of the lower section.  Then you can position the aura wherever you like, change colours, size, and a bunch of other variables.

In the lower section of the Effect Editor, I put the name of the spell, "Mark of the Wild", into the name field. I also ticked the "Invert" box, because I want the aura to show when Leesah doesn't have the MotW buff. This aura is also set to not show if Leesah is in a city ("resting"), mounted or in a vehicle, or when she's dead.

And that's it. The image to the right shows what happens when Leesah does not have MotW on.

 The second buff I want to make really obvious to myself is Eclipse.  Eclipse is a weird buff because there are two flavours of it.  There's the Eclipse that procs from Wrath, and there's the Eclipse that procs from Starfire.  The buffs are both called Eclipse - in fact the effects don't have separate pages in wowhead to link to, but they each require different actions to make proper use of them.  You can read more about that in my Power Auras for Moonkin page.

Because Eclipse lasts for 15 seconds, and the damage modifier is applied on spell hit, if you haven't finished a cast before Eclipse is over, the spell won't be affected.  I decided to add a timer so that I know how much longer I have left to see if I have time to get a last cast off.  The Effect Editor window has a timer tab in the lower section.

I moved the timer to a slightly off-centre position so I can see it more clearly.  Now, when Eclipse procs, I see the aura, and the countdown timer.

The timer is telling me I still have over 5 seconds left, and the cooldown bar above the Quartz castbar tells me this is Starfire Eclipse which means I need to be casting Starfire.  Strangely in this picture I am casting Wrath.  Oh well :)

So far the options seem quite straightforward, but I feel I have only scratched the surface of the potential with this addon.  If anyone can link further resources, please do!
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