Thursday, 28 January 2010

Reader Roundup: January

January is nearly over, so I thought I'd link a few of the things I've read recently that I liked. That, combined with the fact that I am trying really hard not to blog at work, and that I have barely been at home to write there, this is a cheating post ;)

First things first: I have updated my post about Eclipse Power Auras to include the other Balance-type auras I'm currently using. I hope it helps out people who are starting to use Power Auras Classic or trying out a Moonkin offspec.  I'm hoping to create some more Moonkin resources soon since that's the spec I'm leveling Leesah to 80 in.  I will be switching to Resto when she hits 80 or saves enough money for a dual spec, whichever comes first, but I'll be keeping Balance as secondary so it'll be a good resource for me too ;)

There have been some great resources posted this month for both Trees and Moonkin:

Here's a few other non-Druid topics to keep you reading:
  • Tamarind at Righteous Orbs got all serious and wrote this post, then Miss Medicina wrote a similar one.  Just for the record, I'm not depressed, and it's something (among other things) I thank my lucky stars for every day.  All we can do is try to be supportive to people who are depressed, even though I don't really know how.  Let me know if I can help, but otherwise I'll stay out of your way, because I'll assume that's what you want unless you say otherwise.

  • On a lighter note, go and check out the (quite) new Daily Blink.  Their news-story type articles and images had me getting some strange looks at work since I was giggling so much.
  • Now for something completely different - Frost Mages.  Krizzlybear wrote a great Frost Mage Cheat Sheet and since my lil Aefa is getting up there I'm gonna be keeping this one somewhere in my bookmark box for future Frost Mage awesomeness.
  • Lastly, for fans of Lore, check out Shades of Grey for a treatise on Old Gods and possible implications of the Cataclysm.   Interesting and kind of chilling stuff.
I'm going to have to make these lists more often because there's too much to go into one post ;)
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