First things first: I have updated my post about Eclipse Power Auras to include the other Balance-type auras I'm currently using. I hope it helps out people who are starting to use Power Auras Classic or trying out a Moonkin offspec. I'm hoping to create some more Moonkin resources soon since that's the spec I'm leveling Leesah to 80 in. I will be switching to Resto when she hits 80 or saves enough money for a dual spec, whichever comes first, but I'll be keeping Balance as secondary so it'll be a good resource for me too ;)
There have been some great resources posted this month for both Trees and Moonkin:
- Khi over at Tree Burglar posted the first part of a great list for gearing up a new 80 Tree druid, and also a post about Tree Trinkets. I'm bookmarking these and planning my badge spend!
- It was a little while ago now but Lissana at Restokin posted a guide to Rawr for Resto druids. Rawr tends to confuse me a bit, especially with all the gem combinations, so this guide helped me sort that out.
- Keeva at Tree Bark Jacket posted about the Power Auras she uses for healing.
- Angela (not me, but the other one ;) ) at Restoration Druid combined Balance and Resto information with a post about Balance and Restoration talents.
- There was also a great Moonkin Spell Rotations post from Graylo at Gray Matter. Make sure to read the comments as well - there's some really useful info in there.
Here's a few other non-Druid topics to keep you reading:
- Tamarind at Righteous Orbs got all serious and wrote this post, then Miss Medicina wrote a similar one. Just for the record, I'm not depressed, and it's something (among other things) I thank my lucky stars for every day. All we can do is try to be supportive to people who are depressed, even though I don't really know how. Let me know if I can help, but otherwise I'll stay out of your way, because I'll assume that's what you want unless you say otherwise.
- On a lighter note, go and check out the (quite) new Daily Blink. Their news-story type articles and images had me getting some strange looks at work since I was giggling so much.
- Now for something completely different - Frost Mages. Krizzlybear wrote a great Frost Mage Cheat Sheet and since my lil Aefa is getting up there I'm gonna be keeping this one somewhere in my bookmark box for future Frost Mage awesomeness.
- If you like RP stories and fan fiction, check out the latest by Arrens & Co over at Through the Eyes of Death. The story starts here and continues here. Scary yet awesome stuff! Looking forward to the next installment!
- Lastly, for fans of Lore, check out Shades of Grey for a treatise on Old Gods and possible implications of the Cataclysm. Interesting and kind of chilling stuff.